Posted by: frida | May 19, 2009

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning has been developed through intensive research, purpose is to increase academic cooperation between students, establish positive relationships, develop the confidence, and improve through academic activities of the group. In each there is a cooperative learning positive dependence among the students to achieve the goal of learning. Every students have the same opportunity for success. Learning activities is
the students in the form of discussion, the task together, help each other and mutual support in solving problems. Through the study of effective interactions students more motivated, confident, able to use the thinking strategy level high, and able to build interpersonal relationships. Cooperative learning model allows all students to master the material at the level of control relatively equal or parallel. There are 4 types of cooperative learning model presented by Arends (2001), namely, (1) Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad), (2) Investigation Group, (3) Jigsaw, and (4) Structural Approach. Meanwhile, two other approaches that are designed for classes is low; (1) Cooperative Integrated Reading and composition (CIRC) is used in learning to read and write at levels 2-8 (at the kindergarten to primary school), and Team accelerated instruction (Tại) used in learning mathematics for levels 3-6 (at the TK).

The characteristics of cooperative learning model are (1) study together with a friend, (2) during the learning process occurs between friends in the face, (3) listen to each other in among group members, (4) learn from their own friends in the group, (5) study in small groups, (6) productive or speak out of each other, (7) decision depends on the students themselves, (8) active students (Stahl, 1994). Same with the characteristics, the Johnson and Johnson (1984) and Hilke (1990) revealed characteristics is a cooperative learning; 1) there is a mutual dependency of the positive in inter-group members, (2) can be an individual, (3) heterogeneous, (4) shared leadership, (5) share responsibility, (6) emphasizes the tasks and togetherness, (7) establish social skills, (8) the role of teachers / lecturers the student learning process, (9) the effectiveness of learning depends on the group. The process of learning occurs in small groups (3-4 members), are heterogeneous regardless of differences in academic ability, gender, race, and another.

Basic Principles

Cooperative learning model was developed on the footing of a few assumed able to improve the process and results of student learning. Approach
is referred to active learning, konstruktivistik, and cooperative. Some approaches are integrated is meant to produce a model of allows students to develop the potential optimally. Learn active, is shown with the intellectual and emotional involvement of a high in the process of learning, not just physical activity alone. Students are given the opportunity to discuss, express opinions and idea, to conduct exploration material that is being learned and interpreted the results together in groups. Students released for a variety of relevant learning resources. Such activities allows students to interact actively with the environment and group, as the media to develop knowledge. Konstruktivistik approach in the model can encourage cooperative learning students are able to build knowledge together in groups. They are encouraged to find and develop materials that are learn through discussion, observation or experiment. Students analyze with what they find or their investigation. With this rate, material lessons can be built together and not as a transfer from the lecturers. Knowledge formed based on shared experience and interaction with the environment in study groups, so that mutually enrich occurred among the group members. This means, students are encouraged to construct meaning from experience, so that understanding of the phenomenon that is being learned increases. They encouraged to bring various perspectives to the material or the same problem, to the point of view and then build or develop the knowledge together well. This is the realization of the fact konstruktivisme in learning. Cooperative approach to encourage and provide opportunity for students to skilled communication. That is, students are encouraged to able to declare opinion or idea clearly, listen to others and respond with appropriate, ask for feedback and ask questions well. Students are also able to build and maintain trust, open to receive and give opinions and ideas, idea, would like to share information and resources, like providing support to others with genuine. Students are also able to lead and skilled manage controversy (managing controvercy) to problem solving situations, scrutinize the idea is not one persona. Model of cooperative learning will be done well if it can grow in a atmosphere that allows learning among students and between students and faculty feel free to remove the opinion and idea, and the free in analyzing and exploring important topics in the curriculum. Lecturers can ask various questions or problems that must be solved in groups. Students trying to think hard and discuss each other in groups. Then the lecturer and other students can pursue their -The idea about the idea of different perspectives. Lecturers also encourage students to able to demonstrate understanding of the specifics of the problems examined how the group. Based on the above characteristics, the model assumed that cooperative learning can motivate students in performing various activities, so they get a feel for the challenges to complete the task with the creative. This learning model can be applied in various fields of study or learning in the subject, both for the topic and the abstract concrete.

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Posted by: frida | May 15, 2009

health and safety work

Leisure, Health and Safety
Each job will cause tension (stresses) and stresses (strains) that affect the skills and work attitudes (Silalahi and Bennett, 1995). It will cause the low level of comfort, health, and safety. The main purpose of the re-design is that the workers can do its work with the comfortable, healthy, and safe production process so that it can run efficiently and effectively. Furthermore the quality and quantity of production will be increased so that it can increase the economic value added for the industry concerned. Comfort in this situation is felt by people when working or interacting with the environment. Conditions include the postures and body organs including organ in the normal position in accordance with human limitations and capabilities of the workers. This means that the organs of workers do not get pressure, does not bear the burden, and does not receive excessive papran of work procedures, work environment and their work (Apple, 1087; Bridger, 1995; and Woodside and Kocurek, 1997). Examples include work in the proximity of raw materials, and the distance the key engine operating range is not too far from the position of sitting or standing. Tables and chairs according to the size anthropometri body, and chairs have a design that allows the body to sit with normal postures. Work loose enough room to do activities of the production process. Lighting does not dazzle, but enough to meet demand in the job. Room temperature is considered to be comfortable 20 – 25 OC, there is no source of noise, no excessive dust and no smell of sting (Pulat, 1992) The use of a robot arm machine las not meet aspects ergonomik. The size of the equipment in accordance with the engine not working postures, it can be seen from the behavior of the workers who tiptoe or bend over to adjust the condition of equipment used. Lighting, temperature and noise in the room is far from certain standards established by the National Board of Standards. Condition felt more or less comfortable with the dust and smell the sting. Arranged through the health promotion action, preventive and curative potential of disease due to workplace health and disruption caused by work factors and work environment. According to Bridger (1995) work procedures that are less efficient and the room or place of work as less ergonomic layout of the raw materials, machines, and table-chair, can cause fatigue, cramps, or pain in the muscle specific (CTDs, cumulative trauma disorder) . Exposure to certain chemicals, noise, room temperature, humidity, debudi work or vibration machines work the same or even exceeds the threshold, can cause restlessness, feeling less comfortable and more information will be one of the causes of disease due to work (Scott, 1995; Ladoi, 1998; and Zenz, 1994). Similarly, light in the room of the flashy or inadequate air circulation and a less perfect, could be one of the causes of the incidence of disease due to work. Work environment factors that were not so dominant, but can determine the succession health workers, among others, is the cleanliness, neatness, color walls, floor type, the type of ceiling space, information or a promotional poster and information on using the machine work. Responsibility health will result in a decreased ability to work so that work productivity is also declining. Health include a variety of hazardous and toxic, and the source of the disease due to other work, both produced during the process and waste from the production process. Each worker must obtain a guarantee of job security and company. It is important to consider in order to improve the quietness of work. Safety-related ways to do the work, machines, devices work, materials and processing, the workplace, and environment (environmental, man, machine, methode, time and information). The aim is to prevent disability and death as a result of workplace accidents. Keyserling (1998) emphasize the primary responsibility of the business to minimize the risk of disability in a way to prevent the occurrence of workplace accidents and controlling the sources of risk exposure in the workplace.
Leisure, health and safety are related to the ergonomic approach. Ergonomik term comes from the language ergon (work) and Nomos (law of nature) and can be defined as a quiet study aspects of the human environment in the work system to be reviewed daris terms of anatomy, physiology, psychology, engineering, management and design (planning). Ergonomik related to optimization, efficiency, and ability to apply information related to the limitations, abilities, and human capacity for create a design tasks (human task), machine, system, the workplace and work environment, where human comfort can be guaranteed, health, safety and efficiency (Bhattacharya, 1996). Ergonomik needed in the studies on which the human system, working facilities, and the environment interact with each other that is the main goal of the atmosphere to adjust human beings. Ergonomik is also known as Human Factors (Nurmianto Eko, 1996).
Ergonomik focus of attention is closely associated with the human aspects in planning man-made objects and the work environment. Ergonomik approach to research on the limited human ability both physically and systematically. Ergonomik approach and utilize this information for the purpose can improve efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of work, and the system can create a work environment and a safe, comfortable and healthy. The purpose and objective of the effort ergonomik is working to improve human performance, such as adding speed work, accuracy, health and comfort while working to reduce energy work and reduce the excessive fatigue that comes too fast. In addition, expected to improve efficiency in human resources and minimize damage to equipment due to workplace accidents.
Implementation ergonomik activity in general is designed building (design) or re-design (re-design). This can include hardware such as work tools (tools), work benches (benches), the system control (controls), office equipment work (work holders), and others. implementation ergonomik factors create a design back to work in the framework of the implementation of process automation of production, can be easily applied without causing damage to the environment, hazard risks in the use of accident, comfortable and healthy (hers oriented).

Posted by: frida | May 15, 2009

Teaching Basic Skills

Teaching Basic Skills

Ask Skills
In the process of learning to teach teachers generally ask questions to the students of their students. How to be a teacher in question has in the learning achievement of results and increase the students’ way of thinking. How to ask a question that is positive for student learning activities is one thing that is not easy. Therefore a teacher or prospective teachers should try to understand that the skills and ask one of the skills taught.
There are some things that become important reason why this skill is very necessary to ask the teacher owned and teacher candidates, First, most of the teachers to teach using the lecture method, which tends to place the teacher as a source of information, while the students to become passive recipients of information. Both the background of the child in the family and community that are less common to ask questions and issue opinions. Third, the implementation of ideas. Student Active Learning how to present this, the students more actively involved in the process of learning, such as ask, and attempt to find an answer to a problem that faces answers. Fourth, the view that any question about the goal that the only question is used to evaluate students’ progress.

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Posted by: frida | May 15, 2009

Teaching Basic Skills

Teaching Basic Skills

Explaining skills
Explain is to present the information verbally that organized systematically and aims to show the relationship between misaInya or causes and consequences of the known with the unknown, or the law, proposition, definition of applicable public with evidence / examples hours a day (Usman, 2002:88 )
Provide one explanation is a very important aspect of a teacher. Interaction in the classroom tend to be fulfilled by the activities of speech, either by teachers themselves, by teachers and students, between students and with students. In the third pattern of interaction between the teachers usually tend to be dominated discussion. Furthermore, most of the discussion that teachers have a direct influence, for example to provide facts, ideas, opinions, reprimand the students to give reasons for action, and so forth.
Imron (1995:141), have some principles should be to provide a description of:

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Posted by: frida | May 15, 2009

Teaching Basic Skills

Teaching Basic Skills
Teaching Ability

Ability to teach is the ability to be absolutely owned by teachers, this is based on the fact that the task of the most primary teachers are teaching.
Gulo (2004:8), explains that teaching is an effort to create a system environment that enables the occurrence of learning is optimal. Then the system environment consists of several components, including the teachers who interact each other in creating a teaching-learning process effective in a particular purpose. From the definition that we can know that the role and ability of teachers to teach very bad effect on the successful learning.
The Imron (1995:166) defines a process that is delivering a number of knowledge and create a situation that allows students to learn. Thus, teachers not as a source of knowledge but to function as a facilitator to help students learn.
The ability of teachers to teach is a real reflection on the control of teachers’ competence. As quoted Imron (1995:168) from RAKA Joni (1984) Pattern and System Updates staff’s in Indonesia (1980) presented 10 basic competencies that must be mastered by teachers, namely:
1) of the material
2) of the base education
3) Establishing teaching program
4) Implement the program of teaching
5) Assessing the process and results of study
6) Organizing guidance and counseling program
7) Organizing the school administration
8) Develop a personality
9) Interacting with friends and community
10) Organizing research simply for the sake of teaching
Ten competencies are then made to the three basic competencies, namely:
1) Ability to plan teaching
2) Ability implement teaching
3) Ability to evaluate teaching
With the mastery of all competencies, it will allow a teacher to teach well. Teachers will be able to demonstrate basic skills to teach a full and integrated learning activities in the management. Teachers will also be able to wisely overcome the various problems that arise so that learning activities can take place effectively.
Teaching skills is a complex skill, where skill is the integration of various skills, which is very large. Among these skills, according to research Turney (1973) as cited Irawan (1994:79) says there are eight basic teaching skills that are considered a role in the success of the teaching-learning activities. Eighth skills include:
1) Skills to ask
2) to provide skills to strengthen
3) the variation Skills
4) Skills describe
5) Skill lessons to open and close
6) Skills to guide small groups
7) Skills to manage class
8) Skills taught small groups and individuals
As mentioned in the chapter on the limits of the I, which is the limitation that the research is on the skills and the skills to ask.

Posted by: frida | May 15, 2009



Technology hardware has a very long time, have contributed a large amount of activity in the presentation, at this time in the field of engineering technology, computer equipment replaces the role of presentation in the past. Use the presentation software such as Microsoft power point which is developed by Microsoft inc “Corel presentation developed by Corel inc” to the latest development of the software developed in Macromedia inc, which developed many types of software to support these interests. Many of the software that allows the presentation in the form of multimedia was a dynamic and very interesting. Development of software development is supported by a number of hardware penunjangnya. One of the products provide the most influence in the digital presentation of the presentation material at this time is the development of the monitor, video card, audio card and the development of a digital projector (digital image projector) that allows the presentation material can be presented in digital for a variety of interests in various conditions and situation, and the room size and audience characteristics. Of course this is causing major changes in the trend during this presentation method.
Processing of the presentation materials by using the computer to not only presented with digital presentation equipment in the form of a Multimedia projector (such as LCD, In-Focus and the like), but can also be presented through the projection equipment, such as over head projector (OHP) and the movie projector slides that is first produced. So that the institutions or agencies that do not have a digital device will be a presentation tool but has a second tool, the processing can take advantage of the presentation material via the computer the most.

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Posted by: frida | May 14, 2009

Education Management and challenge

Education Management and challenge

As noted in the Encyclopedia Americana management is “the art of coordinating the ele-ments of the factors of production towards the achievement of the purposes of an organization”, namely an arts organization to coordinate resources to achieve the goals of the organization. Resources include the organization of man (men), the raw material (ma-terials) and machine (machines). Coordination goals is that the organization can be achieved with efficient so that it can meet the expectations various parties (stake-holders) who have the interests of the organization.
Education is the process by which someone obtain knowledge (knowledge acquisition), to develop capabilities / skills (skills developments) attitude or attitude change (attitute change). Education is a process of transformation of the students in order to achieve certain things as a result of the education process in the follow
Education goals as a macro embedded in the institution can classified in several ways, among others, acquisition
knowledge (cognitive objectives), development of skills / abilities and the formation of attitudes.
Target target macro is then translated in the various forms of micro-target can be measured in a detailed and specific form of what is expected from the study. One of the goals that can be measured to the target value is the cognitive end of the study results and ranking as the implications of value. To target cognitive, associated with what has been produced by students, while for target afektif, is associated with changes in attitudes / behavior of students after the study.

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Posted by: frida | May 14, 2009

five STEPS to success

5 STEPS to success
Motivational SUCCESS Go Up

The first step. in trying and still lives in the balance of economy and way of life among
1. Learn percentage supporters around us:
– Willingness
– Honesty
– Ability
– Opportunity
– Fortune
2. Have ideals – ideals that:
– Measurable
– Verge
– Time
– Planned
– Effective
3. Nature – nature yaaig should be avoided:
– The habit mimic.
– Quick despair.
– Quick satisfied.
– Slow
– Berorentasi only to money
– Waiting
– And others
Posted by: frida | May 13, 2009

Concept Rating EDUCATION


By: Edy Supriyadi
1. Measurement, Rating, and Decision-making
Education in assessment, there are three terms that are related to the performance or results study, the measurement, assessment, and decision making. They have the limitation of a slightly different and mutually related.
Measurement defined as a process to measure the activity, compare the things, can be a characteristic, capability or character of students on the basis of a certain size. Measure is intended to provide a form of quantitative characteristics or abilities of the students in the form of numbers. In summary the measurement is an activity to obtain information or data is quantitative.

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Posted by: frida | May 5, 2009


Anthropometri comes from the term “anthro” meaning human and “metri” which means that size. The definitive anthropometri can be expressed as a branch of science ergonomik associated with the measurement dimensions and characteristics of the human body, such as volume, center of gravity, the device inersia and the parts of the body. (Wigjosoebroto, 1995: 60). Human basically has the form, size, height, width, weight and others are different from one another. Anthropometri widely used as ergomomis consideration in the design process (design). Anthropometri the data collected will be widely applied in, among other things
1. The design work area (work station, interior, etc.)
2. The design of equipment such as machinery, equipment, tools and so forth. 3. Design of consumer products such as clothing, tables, chairs, computers, etc..
4. Design of physical work environment.

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